Florida Building Codes GPT

The Florida Building Codes GPT was created using CustomGPT.ai. You can create your own version by signing up for CustomGPT, adding a new agent, and entering the following resources/sitemap URLs into that GPT's knowledge base:

ResourceSitemap URL
2023 Florida Building Code, Accessibility, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Building, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Existing Building, Eighth Edition (Jul 2024)
2023 Florida Building Code, Fuel Gas, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Mechanical, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Plumbing, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Residential, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
2023 Florida Building Code, Test Protocols for High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Eighth Edition (Jul 2023)
Website content: https://www.floridabuilding.org/fbc/Links_to_Code_Resources.htmlhttps://www.floridabuilding.org/fbc/Links_to_Code_Resources.html
Life Safety Code with Florida Amendments, 8th Edition, 2023 (NFPA 101-FL)Upload your own copy
Fire Code with Florida Amendments, 8th Edition, 2023 (NFPA 1-FL)Upload your own copy
2020 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70)Upload your own copy

PermitGPT is a community effort. If you believe any of the above resources require updating, or you have new resources to add, please let us know by submitting a GPT update request.
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