The Pennsylvania Building Codes GPT was created using You can create your own version by signing up for CustomGPT, adding a new agent, and entering the following resources/sitemap URLs into that GPT's knowledge base:
PermitGPT is a community effort. If you believe any of the above resources require updating, or you have new resources to add, please let us know by submitting a GPT update request.
Resource | Sitemap URL |
2017 Article XV Allegheny County Health Department Plumbing Code (Sep 2018) | |
2017 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) | Upload your own copy |
2018 ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities (Aug 2017) | |
2018 International Building Code (Nov 2021) | |
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (Nov 2021) | |
2018 International Existing Building Code (Mar 2021) | |
2018 International Fire Code (Oct 2021) | |
2018 International Fuel Gas Code (Sep 2021) | |
2018 International Mechanical Code (Jul 2021) | |
2018 International Plumbing Code (Nov 2021) | |
2018 International Residential Code (Jan 2023) | |
2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (Nov 2020) | |
2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (Apr 2023) | |
2022 Article XV Allegheny County Plumbing Code (Mar 2023) | |
Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (49 Pa.B. 3077) | |
PermitGPT is a community effort. If you believe any of the above resources require updating, or you have new resources to add, please let us know by submitting a GPT update request.